Thursday, October 22, 2009


Sabah Annual Masterpiece Selection 2009 By Sabah Art Gallery
Awards Presentation Night on 20.10.2009

Elisha and his painting

Rafflesia of Sabah

Elisha receving his award

Group Photos

Other selected paintings display

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

20th Wedding Aniversary

Anniversary Celebration (09-09-1989 to 09-09-2009)

Family Photo

Agnes' Birthday

Birthday celebration 20.09.2009
Family Photo
Group Photo

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Peace Poster Contest "The Power Of Peace"

Elisha won 1st Runner Up in Peace Poster Contest
by Lion Club Of Kota Kinabalu Host on 19th September 2009

Elisha and his poster

Group Photo

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Kota Kinabalu Music Festival

Elisha won Solo at Kota Kinabalu Music Festival by Music Society on 23rd August 2009

Saturday, September 12, 2009

20th Wedding Aniversary (From 9-9-1989 To 9-9-2009)

Family Photos
Home Cell Group Members

Friday, July 31, 2009

Sabah Top 8As Student in PMR

Elijah scored Sabah Top 8As student in 2007 PMR Examination

Friday, July 17, 2009

Elisha's Sunday School Graduation 2009

Getting ready for Sunday School Graduation

Graduation speech

Receiving the graduation certificate from our Senior Pastor, Rev. Fred Seaward

Group photo with Sunday School Superintendent, Bro David Woon.

International Mathematics and Science Olympiad 2004

Elijah won Gold Medal in the International Mathematics and Science Olympiad 2004 at Jakarta, Indonesia.
Elijah at the opening ceremony
Receiving award from Minister of Education, Indonesia.

Farewell party and presentation by Malaysia group.

Family Photo

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Accounting Quiz Competition 2009

Taylor's University College Accounting Quiz Competition 2009 - 11 July 2009

Elijah (Left) won 2nd place (Individual) and school Category 1st Place (Group).
Eliajh also received an offer for 50% scholarship worth RM38,000.00.

Elisha's painting 2009

A wonderful painting done by Elisha